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AMG International is a global ministry connecting people with the gospel while meeting their deepest spiritual and physical needs.
Because of our faithful donors, we have been able to use the insights of local leaders and churches that know their communities best to identify the right strategies to share the love of Christ for over 82 years.


AMG International is a global ministry connecting people with the gospel while meeting their deepest spiritual and physical needs.
Because of our faithful donors, we have been able to use the insights of local leaders and churches that know their communities best to identify the right strategies to share the love of Christ for nearly 80 years.




You can change the world one child at a time

Thousands of children in the world are born into a cycle of poverty that has been around for generations, leaving them without hope for a safe and secure future. For $36 you can provide the tools a child needs to break the cycle in the name of Jesus.

You can change the world one child at a time

Thousands of children in the world are born into a cycle of poverty that has been around for generations, leaving them without hope for a safe and secure future. For $36 you can provide the tools a child needs to break the cycle in the name of Jesus.


At the heart of every AMG International ministry outreach is a local leader who you empower to share the gospel in a culturally relevant way.


At the heart of every AMG International Ministry outreach is a local leader who you empower to share the gospel in a culturally relevant way.