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Jenifer Gómez Vivar

Jenifer is a shy and intelligent girl living with her parents and two siblings. Her family lives in a very dangerous area due to crime and natural disasters. Jenifer is not allowed to go out alone because people, even children, are frequently robbed. Her family’s house is built with bamboo rods, tin roofing and a dirt floor. During the summer, their house is in danger of falling trees. During winter, the house often floods. Jenifer’s father works very hard as a farmer but is unable to provide for his three children. In the summer, the crops suffer from water shortages. The river, where Jenifer’s family gets fresh water, is located twenty minutes from their house. This family desperately needs the help of a sponsor. By sponsoring Jenifer, you can give her a safe environment where her basic needs will be met. She will be fed, educated, and discipled through her attendance at the development center. Thank you for blessing this family in need.
DOB: 03/05/2008