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Some of AMG's national leaders live and minister in areas where Christians are persecuted for their faith. In order to not jeopardize their safety and security, the identities of this dedicated couple and their three children have been changed for this web description. Z.P. states, "I grew up in an idol-worshiping family. My parents worshiped idols and my mother suffered with mental illness. One day when a Gospel meeting was held in our village, my mother believed the message and she accepted Christ as Savior and Lord." When Z.P. realized that his mother's health had improved and found that she had accepted Christ, he began attending the Gospel meetings and ultimately gave his life to God's service. Romans 5:5-10 made him realize that Christ had died for his sins. Z.P. was baptized and continued attending meetings. Then God guided him to build a small church in a little village made for idol-worshipping families to find Jesus. Fifty people now regularly attend Sunday services in that small church. A young believer is now leading Sunday School at the church utilizing moving songs, memory verses and short stories. Z.P. believes that the children's ministry is the basis for the churches growth. Thank you for considering to support this family in their ministry efforts. Together, we can impact more lives while growing His Kingdom on earth.