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Some of AMG's national leaders live and minister in areas where Christians are persecuted for their faith.  In order to not jeopardize their safety and security the identities of this devoted couple and their two children have been changed for this web description.

JKA shares, "I grew up in an idol-worshipping family and we worshiped idols. My father had a stroke and many doctors were consulted. After a while, we lost hope for a cure. During that time, a team of Gospel workers visited my family and my father became very angry.  The ministry workers visited again and again and at some point my father finally listened to their message.  He was miraculously healed and began believing in Jesus Christ."

As JKA pondered the difference between the local gods and the greatness of the Lord Jesus, God spoke to him through Psalm 115:5. JKA realized that only Jesus Christ could provide salvation.  So, he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior.

He ultimately attended Bible college and built a small church in his home village. Seventy-three members now attend worship services there. His wife is deeply involved in teaching and ministering to many women in need. As partners in ministry, the couple visit the sick, and distribute Christian literature to aid people in their spiritual journey. They also conduct open air preaching in the surrounding villages.

Thank you for thoughtfully considering supporting this couple in their ministry efforts. Together, we can share God's love with more people in need.