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Some of AMG's national leaders life and minister in areas where Christians are at risk.  In order to not jeopardize their safety and security, the identities have been obscured.

RYB was born into a  family of idol worshippers.  He often visited his grandmother and attended a mission focused church with her.  While he was in high school, a servant of the Lord led him to the Word of God and encouraged him to participate in church activities.  However, even after baptism he felt that his life was not changed, and he was still held in bondage to the sins of the flesh.

RYB states, "I suffered with a skin disease and sought relief at many hospitals but was not cured.  One day when returning to my home from my work as a security guard, I attended a Gospel meeting.  I heard Matthew 8:2 being taught.  When I arrived home I prayed for three days while fasting and asked God to heal my disease.  Miraculously, God did heal me.  I rejoiced in the Lord and had a great joy in my life.  I then confessed my sins and accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.

Mark 16:15 convinced RYB to submit his life to God's service.  RYB planted a church where 80 members are now attending  services.  He and his wife conduct Sunday School, youth and women's meetings, as well as Friday fasting and prayers.  There are two branch churches in nearby villages.  RYB's main focus at present is to preach the Gospel to the tribal villages in the area that have not heard the Word.

Thank you for thoughtfully considering supporting this dedicated couple in their ministry efforts.  Together, we can impact more lives in Jesus' name.