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Some of AMG's national leaders live and minister in areas where Christians are at risk. In order to not jeopardize their safety and security, the identities have been obscured. Y.P. was one of three children in a nominal Christian family. As a child he was disobedient to his parents and later was held in bondage to the sins of the flesh. He states, "One day I began vomiting blood and was suffering from epilepsy. I was brought to a nearby church and the Pastor prayed for me. After I was healed I realized that this was only by the grace of God. When I heard the words of Isaiah 3:5 and 59:1 during a Sunday sermon, I confessed my sins and gave my heart to the Lord Jesus. As the result of God's faithfulness and miracles in my life I decided to serve Him in order to proclaim the Good News among Hindus and nominal Christians." Y.P. and his wife now serve in his own village at a church with 50 worshippers. The couple also carry the Word to remote villages and hospitals. They distribute Christian literature to aid people in their spiritual journey. Y.P. has a vision to win more people to Christ and especially youngsters. Thank you for thoughtfully considering supporting this faithful couple in their ministry efforts. Together, we can impact more lives in Jesus' name.