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Kailash Chandra Barman

My name is Mr. Kailash. I was born into a Hindu family. I didn't know about Jesus Christ until one day a pastor came to our village to worship. He told us that to be saved from sin is to believe in Jesus. In June 2001, I believed in Jesus and was baptized. Now my responsibility is to spread the message of Jesus Christ and to promote spiritual growth and development among members. My vision is offering worship services, teaching the Bible, Providing support and guidance to individuals, creating opportunities for fellowship and community building. Our purpose is to glorify God, meet the spiritual needs of people, and share the love and message of Jesus with the world. It involves not only preaching and teaching, But also living a life that reflects the teachings of Jesus and embodies the values of love, compassion, justice and service.
DOB: 01/01/1977