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Ministry Expansion in Pakistan

In Pakistan, countless families, especially those belonging to the Christian minority, are trapped in cycles of poverty and exploitation. Many are forced into low-paying jobs or fall victim to predators who enslave people for generations to pay off loans at the brick kilns. 

You can change that. We have the opportunity to open a second ministry hub in Pakistan to give life-changing services to even more persecuted and marginalized Christians. By providing elementary education for some of the poorest children and comprehensive computer literacy and sewing skills training for those without opportunity for meaningful employment, we help them see a glimpse of their worth in Christ and inspire them to break free from the cycle of poverty. 
With your support, we can impact lives and communities. Your donation will sow the seeds of hope and possibility for countless individuals. Our goal is to raise $32,400 to expand in Pakistan. A gift of $600 will equip the school with a laptop. A donation of $90 would provide a sewing machine. Every contribution will bring us closer to our goal.