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Oratorio Child Development Center

Oratorio Child Development Center is located in the Eastern Region of Guatemala. It is in a small rural town with about 16,000 people. The area is fairly hot and dry. The majority of people work on plantations growing coffee, pineapple, and bananas. Most of the families are quite poor, with several children all living in a one-room house. There is a lot of pressure for the children to work. Oratorio began as a feeding center for families. Soon, a Kindergarten and elementary school was started so the children could receive a good education. Monday through Friday, children attend and receive breakfast, lunch, and a snack before leaving. Other children attend the center after school and receive lunch and a snack. Every day, a Bible lesson is taught, and staff members help the children with their homework. The Lord has blessed this ministry and many children have come to know the Lord and have a bright future in Christ.